We're On Our Way or Flip FLOP

Hello everyone! Thanks to the generous support of many friends and family and fans we have raised close to half our goal for Over There, at HERE October 15th-18th! We are cranking along! Because we hit $2000 before this past weekend I was held to my promise of a flip (there was some confusion caused by my ego about whether it was to be a front or back flip) into a lake. It happened and there is video evidence!

We will be posting videos in the coming days for those who have donated $100 to the campaign and most likely giving another crazy incentive for this weekend. We are looking to raise $5000 in order to buy materials, rent lights and pay the incredible artists who are working on this project. If you don't know, I do not get paid from this money but rather am providing a meagerly funded employment for artists here in New York! You can be a part of that by checking out our campaign HERE!


Thank you for your support!


Help Support Over There at HERE Arts Center