Help Support Over There at HERE Arts Center

We are a little over 20 days away from the end of our fundraising campaign and are 10% of the way there. If you are interested in finding out more about the project and how you can help watch the video and follow the link to our campaign.

The money we are raising is primarily going to pay the artists who are collaborating with me on this production. I believe in supporting the work and collaborations of designers and actors and it is important that the incredibly talented and skilled people I work with be compensated for their work. 

Additional funding will be added to the small amount generated from my thesis fee and the invaluable support of Columbia Stages to purchase materials for scenic, costume and lighting designs. We will also be allocating funding for marketing and publicity.

Every little bit helps and we appreciate your support!


We're On Our Way or Flip FLOP


A Princess, A Thesis and a Cup of Joe!